Chingu WBStartup / 2012-02-11 07:48:57

The WBStartup drawer contains the programs that I want to be launched when my Workbench is loaded. I use WBStartup+ to manage the programs that are launched. I am currently lauching:

Programs Tooltypes Comments Versions
AmiVNC   A VNC server to control the Amiga remotely, using the RFB protocol. v1.0.0
AssignWedge   A patch to offer more choices with missing volumes or assignments. v1.5
Commander   The task manager par of Executive. v2.10
Enforcer   A debugging tool to track unlawful memory accesses. v37.73
EZCronD   A UNIX cron-like program with a nice UI. v3.046
MagicMenu   A program to have on-the-spot access to the menus. (It seems discontinued...) v2.15
MagicMenuPatch   A patch to prevent MagicMenu to freeze in some circumstances. v1.1
Miami   A TCP/IP stack. v3.2b
ScreenTab   A program to have a Windows-like program/task bar and to switch beween windows/screens easily. v3.2
THTTPd   A simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server. v2.21P22
TinyMeter   A program to show memory, volume, CPU usages, and so on. v4.31
WBGauge   A program to add a "fuel gauge" to Workbench drawers. v1.2